05 November 2021

Five things you need to know about… working in recruitment

Recruitment is one of those fields of work with certain stereotypes to it. And while it is certainly a bit of a ‘marmite job’ — some people adore it, while for others it is their worst nightmare —we think that it is important to dispel certain assumptions about it. The reality is recruitment, for many, provides a stable, fulfilling and lucrative career: providing you can get over certain hurdles. With this in mind, here are five things you should know before applying for any job in recruitment.

You need to get used to rejection

Fear of rejection can be one of the biggest obstacles that holds us back in both our professional and personal lives. Working in recruitment it is something you need to get used to, and quickly. Mathew Williams, Consultant in Engineering & Manufacturing for Hunter Selection, Midlands says: “It’s a lot of hard work and you have to face a lot of rejection in the beginning, but once settled the problem solving and the fact that no two days are the same is very rewarding.”In short, if you can learn to take a ‘no!’ on the chin and move on, recruitment could provide the perfect job for you.

Every day has its challenges

While most jobs have challenging moments, working in recruitment presents new and exciting challenges every day. As Ben Watkins, Consultant in the Engineering and Manufacturing team for Hunter Selection says: “The theory of recruitment seems really simple but doing the job consistently can be very challenging!” This means the role suits people with minds that enjoy problem-solving and working towards goals, however, it is not right for people who want some ‘easy days’ in their working week.

It’s no place for lone wolves

While there’s a myth that recruitment is an individualistic, competitive environment favouring lone wolves, those who work as a team always float to the top of the sales board. Ben says: “Teamwork always wins over those with a ‘single desk mentality’.” This is especially true in your early days when you should take advantage of more senior members’ experience to learn the ropes.

You must manage your day

While there is a chain of command in most recruitment roles, you won’t be micromanaged. Sam Paynter, Consultant in Engineering & Manufacturing team, Wales says “How you plan your day, prioritise your workload, and even when you start, and finish will likely be left for you to decide.” For many, this is a dream come true but if you’re coming from a retail or sales background where your whole week is planned out by others, you may struggle to get used to the freedom of recruitment.

It is a high-stress environment

Perhaps this one goes without saying, but recruitment can be a stressful place to be. Things can be going just fine then at lunchtime something comes out of the blue and messes up your entire day’s schedule. Many people thrive in this kind of fast-paced environment, but it’s certainly not right for everyone.

Looking to enter the world of specialist recruitment?

At Hunter Selection we’re always willing to take a look at the CVs of experienced recruiters as well those eager to get their foot in the door of this exciting career. Find out more here.